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I’m unsure what should be on my website. Can you help me with the content?

Absolutely. One of the first things we do with new clients is create a “roadmap” of their website — what will go on the Navigation Bar and all the interior pages.  Using that roadmap, we’ll work with you to decide on the specific content that will go on each interior page. Our services include researching, writing and editing — anything you need to create content that’s relevant and inviting not just to readers, but to reviewers, bloggers and journalists visiting your site.

How difficult will it be to update the site?

All our author websites are all created on user friendly platforms and Paula will give you a one-on-one tutorial that will cover your specific questions and needs. Our Monthly Maintenance Plan offers options for posting blogs and adding new reviews or events to your site. Clients come back to us for updates that involve adding graphics, new titles or additional sections to the site. And we’re only a phone call or email away if you have a problem.

What if I want to add a blog to my site?

​No problem. Blogs are already built into our author websites and ready for you to start adding content. If you already have a blog, we can easily migrate it to your new website.

Can I add a way for readers to signup for a newsletter?

We can easily add sign-up forms from all the popular newsletter services to your website.

Do I need a separate email address for my website?

​We always recommend that an author have an email address specifically for their book business. The first reason is security — you don’t want a personal email address circulating on the Internet. The second is simply organizational. With a “book” address you can easily keep emails from readers and the media separate from your personal email.

Will you host the site?

​We don’t host sites for clients as we feel you should retain full control over your website. We can recommend several hosting companies that will do you an excellent job.

Should my publisher be involved in the process?

​We always welcome input from a your publisher’s marketing and PR teams. There are often specific things they want included in a site that will help with their efforts to promote your book.

Copyright 2024 Nodebud Authors

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